This post is for my 07/09/21 Group Distance Reiki Session. If you are reading this at any time please know the energy and message, as it resonates, is perfect for you.

I started with some Ceremonial Cacao, with peppermint essential oil added, specifically intending to bring in New Moon energies and awareness for all of us during this session. When I consume Ceremonial Cacao for sessions I ask the heart guidance of this plant medicine to work through me and to benefit my recipients as if they had consumed it themselves.
There was a strong Butterfly presence – a white spotted one was nearby during my entire set up and preparation, then left just moments after I began the session. A minute later a large colorful butterfly (mostly orange) went flying overhead, just as I was clearing the space for all participants.
The first message, right after connecting and settling in: We have tools at our disposal right now but will have to get our hands dirty in order to use them.
More lovely nature joined - a little bird popped up on my deck from below, hopping around the altar and then bouncing right at my feet for about 10 seconds.
I wanted to draw a card specific to the energy of this evening's new moon (at 6:17pm PDT) in addition to our regular card reading. From Radleigh Valentine's "Archangel Power Tarot Cards" deck, with the intention of providing guidance for this group over the next two weeks, we received the THREE OF RAPHAEL: Reasons to celebrate! A community of friends. Happy announcements regarding relationships or children. Additionally I drew my usual group reading card for this session. From Sandra Anne Taylor’s "Energy Oracle Cards" deck we received #2 JOURNEY. While the Three of Raphael was drawn with regard to the energy of the coming two weeks, I asked this session card to offer guiding information that would be useful right now, today (both full card descriptions below).
I felt strongly pulled toward the color green as I set up today, and the cards showed that energy as well.
As I first connected I did a sage clearing for all the energies and spaces surrounding all participants today. After pulling the Journey card I felt inspired to light some Palo Santo and clear any negativity or attachments that might be connected to resistance for our journeys ahead.
This also led me to bring Reiki to our Sacral chakras.
Then I began visualizing Reiki light pouring in through our Crowns down the back of the spine, the back of all the central chakras, and settling into the Sacral space.
The water element was prevalent in my preparations and for the first half of the session. Around halfway through I was drawn to turn off my fountain and open my awareness to the energies of the air element. Letting the air come in with this Reiki Light from Crown to Sacral and hold the space. From here I added a quick connection at the Root pulling in some Earth energy as a light addition, grounding and stabilizing with the strong air.
Moving the focus back up, and inviting the power and messages of air into our physical bodies I sensed a pulling forward at the Solar Plexus along with tension in the ears and jaw.
I did some energy sweeping with my right hand to my left arm: starting at the left ear sweeping down through the throat and shoulder and elbow, across the forearm and out the hand several times.
Holding for some time with Reiki flow something also came up to be cleared with the energy of looking over the left shoulder.
After more time holding the space and sharing Reiki some clearing in the womb and bladder brought my attention back to the cards and potential for birthing or pregnancy. With the dark of the new moon representing empty space and opportunity much like the womb-space, perhaps some of us can benefit from reflecting on what we would like to bring life to in the next two weeks.
Just after this idea there’s a strong breeze that brought hundreds of white blossoms on the air past me, a very rare occurrence in my backyard. This felt emotional, and a completion from the air element and the messages today. I closed by offering a full aura Reiki wash with the intention for these energies to continue to support all of you for your highest good in the coming weeks. In my final closing a fire serpent came in to balance the water, air and earth energies recognized today.
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Today's Cards
from Sandra Anne Taylor's "Energy Oracle Cards" deck
for guidance today, and as these Reiki Session Energies continue to work with you

Movement, Relocation, Travel
Pack your bags! The journey card foretells upcoming travel or a shift in location. It may be as simple as a vacation, retreat or class, or even a work-related trip. This card could also signal a move of residence or a job relocation. The upright position indicates that the plans should go off without a hitch. Still, be clear about your motivations and mindful of logistics.
All of life is a journey, and this card is telling you that you have some exciting and inspiring adventures ahead.
I am attracting wonderful new adventures to me. My life is a blessing, taking me to new places – inside and out.
from Radleigh Valentine's "Archangel Power Tarot Cards" deck
for guidance with the New Moon, and over the next two weeks

There is great reason to celebrate! Your hopes are realized, and a time of public recognition or parties is at hand. If you’re working too hard, then find some time to have fun, relax, or take a vacation!
Embrace and acknowledge the people in your life who love and support you. Take time to experience the joy and peace that comes from a community of uplifting friends.
Additional meanings of this card:
Getting involved with social groups. Prosperity. Wedding or birth announcements. Successful, planned pregnancies. Improved health.
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