This post is for my 01/28/22 Group Distance Reiki Session. If you are reading this at any time please know the energy and message, as it resonates, is perfect for you.
Working on setup for this session I was pulled to Earth stones and support, and built the altar with a balancing of cosmos, Earth elements, and spiritual light. Then I felt a strong sense of nutritional absence. It felt more like the form of a supplement – or “did you remember to take your pills?” The greater message: What is your body missing today that it is used to receiving? A missing sustenance.
As I settled in to start the session there was a great sense of sharing. The energies of Calm and Peace radiating.
It felt today we’d be going on an energetic adventure. There were images of cobblestone streets, then a sandy beach, both embodying stony Earth energies among the continuing feeling of shared connection. The guidance to hold onto and lean into a sense of openness. Embrace this sharing. Whether to the natural world or others around you – specifically even strangers and passersby. Walk out in the open and feel that openness; let yourself be shared with and experience all the spaces and energies around you.
This moved into the idea that a change of environment or structure is offering the opportunity to see things in a new light
From here a was call to hold a Reiki portal for flame energies, and with time I was moved to nourish the Solar Plexus with this combo.
The creation of new things is being stifled right now by fear. A hesitancy to birth something new for risk of consequences. Itching in the lower legs came with this – like a show of conflict in the physical desire to shed old skin.
Then the awareness that the ashes of destruction are a gift to us: both as a symbol and an opportunity. We need to acknowledge them – look into them; be open to the emotions and lessons of loss (or change). What is leftover is a reminder there’s more to see/do/hear here.
Turn the urge to scratch into a massage. An opening to self-awareness and self-care. Working at the lower legs reminded me of the grasshopper momentum and imagery from last week. Perhaps a residual or transformative nudge toward slower changes, and/or the metamorphosis of changing from within before leaping ahead.
It’s not as critical to be thorough and intricate in actions right now, rather more forward with calm and peace, letting the experience guide you.
Notice how the natural order of the world around you is not organized and predictable.
Going into more sensations from the body: The outside of the arms felt constricted in, like the stiff resistance to an unwelcome hug. Fluidity in the mid-back – like the Heart chakra working through emotional balancing, perhaps between masculine and feminine. Along with extra sensitivity felt at the tops and outer sides of the feet.
As I went for a card draw the word “Justice” came to mind, specifically, “a card draw for justice.” Perhaps that resonates for someone specifically, while otherwise this reading can be used for guidance over the next week. From Sandra Anne Taylor’s “Energy Oracle Cards” deck, we received #19 REST AND REJUVINATION, reversed. The repetition in cards we’ve had for these group sessions over the last couple months is so intriguing! #19 appeared upright for us two weeks ago, and perhaps it’s inversion now is feeling the natural cycling between our active and inactive periods. Yet, while some cycles are lunar at around 2 and 4 weeks, there are also seasonal cycles and beyond, and overall we’re still in the slower, reflective time of the year. Combined with the other messages of today consider keeping in mind the need for introspection and pacing while moving into more conscious action, and remember you can be doing a lot on the inside while expressing calm and stillness. As far as ‘justice’, I feel a heart pull toward action and results, then this reminder to attend to personal needs and self-understanding, self-kindness, to be able to be effective.
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Today's Card
from Sandra Anne Taylor’s ‘Energy Oracle Cards’ deck
Relaxation and Meditation Reversed When the Rest card is reversed, it can portend a time of bustling activity and seemingly unending business. You may be required to take more action concerning a project or situation. Allow yourself to do what’s needed, but always remember to schedule some leisure time for yourself. When you hurry through life without a break, it fragments your energy and creates an abrasive life force, causing potential frustration in all sorts of ways. Be careful not to let endless tasks take you away from yourself. The “have to” items on your list may be calling you, but this card reversed is telling you: Take the time to meditate, rest, and relax! Affirmation: I make relaxation part of my daily life. Peace and quiet bring me clarity and joy.