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Writer's pictureMichele DeCamp

Thru Guts - To Greatness

This post is for my 09/06/24 Group Distance Reiki Session. If you are reading this at any time please know the energy and message, as it resonates, is perfect for you.

Setting up our altar I was drawn to symbols and moon pieces/energies. I also felt this was a time to do an initial card draw, to utilize the knowledge and direction from the card to inform the offering and flow of Reiki.

So before even connecting from Sandra and Taylor’s “Energy Oracle Cards” deck we received #30 THE GARDEN AND THE GATE, inverted (image and full card description below).

Upon flipping this card, I thought, “Oh my goodness, we just had this recently in a group session, but upright! What an interesting transformation.” Then researching, I found not only was it recently – it was the last group Reiki session I offered. So about one month ago, the upright version of this card was present for that group of recipients. If you were a participant in that session you have addressed, the issues of being contained within your comfortable garden, and are ready to move out into more… While as if you were not a participant of that session you are similarly ready for your personal freedom from the garden, but you may not have had the same self-work required for this shift into new spiritual curiosity, exploration, and embodiment.

When I first connected I saw an entity shrink an aura-size bubble of Reiki energy then cut a wedge from this now basketball sized orb, portioning off the energy into small servings.  A feeling of lack; not enough… perhaps a method of self-preservation (not being able to handle it all at once) or scarcity (belittling the needs of the self to make sure everyone gets a slice).


With these notions the Solar Plexus and Sacral chakras became very active. After holding Reiki for those spaces for a bit I discovered the Root felt near to completely dormant and the Sacral was bypassing it to connect directly to Mother Earth.



Bigger and bigger aggressive ideas.  Helmeted.

Sacral stinging at the skin.

An un-birthed idea right at the surface under the skin, ready to force its way out. A very visceral sense of something ready to burst through… a sense this is something that was repressed or put on hold, and this rumbling activity is not going to stay restrained much longer.

Exhaustion in the right thigh and a bit into the calf.

Widening my awareness while sharing Reiki the Sacral stirring moved upward and calmed a little, presenting as indigestion at the stomach.  This directionality came with the idea it may clear the block and tensions fully by being spoken.

A further sense of exhaustion in the entire core area, along with widespread throbbing… this repression has been taking a lot of energy and has compromised digestion for some time.

It led me to cross myself three times at the forehead (not a practice I’ve done before).

A bubbly expression from below that aligned with this imagery almost as a drawn out passing of gas that resulted in huge sense of relief.

Before closing I asked if there was anything more we needed to know and I was shown that the energy system is a fountain with two outlets, and it needs to be able to flow freely both directions for harmony.

Upon a second request for anything needed before completion a feeling of gut wrenching came along with an image of a very thick corded rope, about 2-3 inches thick, being twisted and strained.


The very hopeful card draw to start our session implies while this internal processing is difficult and potent right now it is actually the last step in a major shift that has been brewing and has incredible potential, as it crests your horizon.  While it showed up strongly uncomfortable and powerful, that is a representation of readiness and significance.  Feel into your body and ask your Heart for the last expression you need to make to truly and fully move forward, then speak it to yourself or others to finally take that step out of your garden into complete spiritual fulfillment and manifestation.


Donations accepted here, if you’re inspired and able.



Today's Card

from Sandra Anne Taylor's "Energy Oracle Cards" deck


Abundant Prosperity, Staying Safe 


   If this card is reversed, it indicates the happy choice to open the door to a more spiritual pursuit. You may have been obsessed with worldly issues before, but you’re readiness to go deeper is now here. Many people believe that they cannot live in a material world, make lots of money, and engage in spiritual priorities at the same time. But you now realize that this isn’t true! In fact, you can bring this wonderful spiritual focus to any endeavor. And when you do, you’ll find that beyond your garden the Universe is willing to fill your life with beauty and joy. Expect the unexpected, for joyous synchronicity abounds!


AFFIRMATION: I am blessed with an abundantly spiritual life. Every day in every way, my joyous prosperity grows and grows.

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