Reiki Refresher ~ Online, Interactive Class
Michele DeCamp, RMT of Leading Light Reiki & Maureen Rivelle, RMT of Open Hands Reiki (www.OpenHandsReiki.com) are excited to offer an enriching Reiki Refresher course for previous students of Reiki (studied at any time, under any class/school/lineage).
You've been attuned to Reiki, but maybe it's been a while since you've actually used your particular gift? Do you have new questions, or do you simply have a desire to refresh your practice?

Many who are attuned to Reiki wonder what happens to Reiki when it isn't practiced. Thankfully, it's still there. Reiki never leaves us. The ability to pass on that wonderful, healing energy is always in our hands. For many of us, it may not seem so easy to just begin again. We wonder if it's actually working or if we are doing it correctly.
For all these reasons and more, many people who have taken a Reiki class (or classes) in the past have expressed a desire for a refresher class and re-attunement, without having to take the full class again. This makes a lot of sense! Given the wide array of topics and techniques, Reiki classes are actually quite short. With the limitlessness and wonder of Universal Life Force Energy it is completely understandable to desire further training and discussion, to grow your perspectives and confidence.
In this 2 hour class, we discuss any uncertainties, obstacles or questions you may have experienced while practicing Reiki: much of the discussion is led by student needs, as sharing with others can be so rewarding and expansive! We also offer ideas for re-starting or enhancing your self treatment, provide exercises to trust in your intuition, and you receive a re-attunement to the last level of Reiki that you have learned. We help you rediscover and deepen your personal connection to Reiki, re-sparking the curiosity and love that drew you to study Reiki in the first place!
Reiki opens us up more to spirit/Source energy, heals ourselves and others, and is personally empowering, which is why we teach it. We hope to see you there!
In Great Light,
Michele & Maureen
~ Please Contact Us to be notified of our next class, &/or for pre-registration