This post is for my 03/12/21 Group Distance Reiki Session. If you are reading this at any time please know the energy and message, as it resonates, is perfect for you.
Today's energy was all about transition. The New Moon is 2am Pacific Time this evening/morning, so I've been feeling into those energies as well, and brought them into today's session. I'll be posting a New Moon Card Draw this evening, too.
So, we have the transition with the New Moon this weekend, then the transition with the Equinox next weekend, and the transition with the Full Moon the following weekend. Additionally, the Equinox marks the end and beginning of the Zodiac, an Astrological New Year. This energy feels very potent into "becoming" right now, and with the overlap to the Pandemic timeline this makes our sense of this "New Year" all the more powerful. While I will be here next week for all who sign up for my next Group Distance Reiki Session, I really felt today's session was about support, balance, and messages that will be serving us over these three major transitions.
Starting at the Crown I felt a haziness. It was pleasant, but a little airy and unclear. A soft and gentle brain fog that was at peace and flowing, just moving a little more slowly than usual. It worked with the Reiki, but not for change, just for being. Perhaps our spiritual vision hasn't moved into these transitions fully, but is embracing the moment it's in now, happily so.
Going into the 3rd Eye there was a strong desire to *see*. It again was calm and didn't feel any need for change of the energetic flow... an awareness there is something big on the horizon and it will be opening with the Crown haze into something major and significant.
The Throat was wide open and looking up, to these two upper chakras embracing a flow and expression in large contrast to last week (perhaps a result of that work)!
Going into the Heart I felt the essence of a casino: vibrancy and hustle/bustle, so much stimulation and distraction. There was an awareness of the dark side here, too, greed, overwhelm, addiction but the sensations were still super calm and peaceful. I felt the Heart was saying to look at this balance, to look at our shadow selves and see how it all plays together with the parts that shine. We enjoy the bright lights and sounds, and energetic excitement, and with that sometimes it feels like too much. Things come up, things we are less comfortable with... un-proud of even... but can we accept and allow? I sent Reiki here for all the beauty of who we are, our shadow parts a necessary piece of us. Love here is where we learn to send Love to everyone and everything regardless of all else.
Looking to move down into the Solar Plexus I was called to a card. The Heart energies were feeling lovely and full of trust in this balance, but there was a message before what was next. From Sandra Anne Taylor’s ‘Energy Oracle Cards’ deck I drew #21 STRATEGY - Making a Plan
(full description below).
The idea of making a plan brought tightness to the gut and lower chakras. There was a firm contrast to the energies of the upper chakras and how we would be managing these transitional times. I took a step back and looked at the bigger energies to find an egoic hold on this idea. This 'Strategy' was not based in our antiquated ideas of planning, goals and success, it was about self-care, self work, and moving forward with the Heart-guidance of acceptance here. A Strategy for Self. Feeling this I held the Solar Plexus like a ball of dough, twirling in my hands, giving it slow gentle attention. It opened in empowerment and drive to show itself (to show *ourselves*)!
The Sacral was shining wide and bright, but not ready to fully express until similar attention was given at the Root. I moved there and read the rooting of our energies asking for basic needs: water, nourishment, sleep, movement and care. Of all the safety and security work we can do for our histories at our Root, right now it is asking for the simple day-to-day tending to our needs: let it grow, stabilize and blossom as these are met over the coming weeks. In doing so our fullest expression and manifestation of change from these transitions will be so empowering and unstoppable.💖
I started my setup today with doTERRA's Forgive blend on the upper chakras and their Console blend on the lower chakras (the heart received both), as well as a palo santo clearing. I prepared ceremonial cacao with soothing peppermint essential oil, then burned a juniper smudge stick for most of the session. I also brought in cold and hot contrast therapy with the card draw.
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Today's Card
from Sandra Anne Taylor’s ‘Energy Oracle Cards’ deck
#21 STRATEGY - Making a Plan
This card shows a pen, journal, compass, and key. When you receive this card upright, it indicates that this is the optimum time for setting up a very specific strategy for achieving your goals.
Write about the direction you want to go in. Consider any potential change in course that may be needed. Be aware of the particulars regarding your goals and have some conscious plan in mind. Structure the short-term goals needed to make your long-term goal a reality.
This card is telling you to spend some time setting things in order. It’s time to take full control. Add thought to action, and set your sights on the road ahead.
AFFIRMATION: I plan the necessary steps to achieve my goals, and I am willing to take action in that direction. I am flexible, persistent, and prepared.