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When Beside...

Writer's picture: Michele DeCampMichele DeCamp

This post is for my 05/27/22 Group Distance Reiki Session. If you are reading this at any time please know the energy and message, as it resonates, is perfect for you.

For today’s session I reserved in taking notes throughout, hoping to hold space and share Reiki, without interpretation. I've included a brief after-summary, for those who may be interested.

I started with spikenard essential oil while sitting in allowance; simply being. For the first half of the session I let any cleansing, processing, filtering, and “what is” to take place, and really held that sense of “being with”.

I then moved into a space of holding Love. Despite my expectations, this is where the real processing happened – there felt to be an intense battle much of the time. A cacophony of distractions and intense overwhelm. There were two messages: first, "gentle touch is critical in our comforting" – a holding or stroking of the hand, shoulder, back, including self-touch here; then "cleansing may bring injury before healing".

I closed with a card draw as well as NOW’s “Good Morning Sunshine” essential oil, inviting transformation. From Sandra Anne Taylor’s “Energy Oracle Cards” deck we received #26 HOSTILITIES, inverted. Like last week the 26 stood out as a halfway indicator – half the weeks of the year… and, the halfway point in this deck as well. Images are included below for your own personal, further interpretation.

I wish you peace.

Donations gratefully accepted if you’re inspired and able.

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